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Ar. Simon is a Senior Project Manager, received his training from University of Newcastle upon Tyne & University of East London and further completed his MBA in University of Manchester.  

He had Design and Project management experience in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Taijian, London, Mongolia, South Africa, St. Petersburg, Middle East etc.

With a great passion for Architecture, Ar. Simon is not only making achievement in his job, but also developing his career in Architectural writing. Ar. Simon had published more than 430 articles in his Architectural blog of various Asia website. Simon has Architectural column in Hong Kong, London and Beijing Chinese newspaper. Simon has published 7 Architectural books so far and the “Arch- Touch” series is the best-selling Architectural books in Hong Kong. Ar. Simon is welcome any invitation for Architectural writing, Interview, Arch-Tour, Seminar, please kindly contact Archtraveler Studio for details.



由2008年至今,許允恆建築師以筆名「建築遊人」在香港、台灣、北京、新加坡等地撰寫建築網站,共430篇文章,並且曾在香港《信報》、《晴報》、倫敦《英中時報》和北京《中華建築報》等報章撰寫每週建築專欄,並在2009年出版首次著作—《築、旅、圖》, 2013年出版《築覺—閱讀香港建築》、2014年出版《築覺—閱讀東京建築》、2016年出版《築覺—閱讀倫敦建築》、 2018年出版《築覺—閱讀北京建築》和2020年出版《築覺—閱讀紐約建築》並在2016年合著《筆生建築》。現樂意承接各建築文章寫作、訪問、導賞團、分享會等邀約,詳情請與建築遊人工作室聯絡。

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